About Us

Boffer-Wholesale Daily Deals: One trade deal per day every day at 11.59am.

We have changed the way do things here at Boffer. Boffer will now be a wholesale deal a day site. We know how hard it is to source good stock at the right prices so we thought we would aim Boffer at traders

Some time ago as a company we decided to change our business model. Instead of supplying consumers with products we decided to supply other retailers with products. This did cause us a wee problem in terms of the Boffer website as we could hardly sell products to a load of retailers and then undercut them by selling the same products on Boffer cheaper. So we decided to take Boffer offline for a while. We have now decided to reinvent ourselves as an online wholesaler-who offers one deal a day. Boffer will now be a wholesale deal a day site for eBay, Amazon and other market traders to source wholesale stock.

Boffer will now supply high quality stock for low prices to professional sellers to re sell for a profit through various online and offline channels. Initially this will be in the format of a daily deal i.e one product or job lot per day. We are now selling stock on behalf of receivers, administrators and finance companies we must sell stock.

Our Mission

Boffer will sell absolutely everything and anything. Our company ethos is that you can make a huge profit for your business when you re sell the products you purchase from us.

We have changed the way you can buy an item at Boffer. You can buy it now, or make us an offer. A bit like eBay except without the counter offer function. If you submit us an offer this will be reviewed and we will either accept your offer or decline your offer. If of course you submit us an offer but someone buys now the item will be sold to the buy it now customer. That is the risk you take with the make an offer function. We will do our best to respond to all make an offer requests within reasonable time frame. 

Visit our Facebook page here and ‘Like’ our page. We will post details of our daily Boffer here for you to keep you up to date. You can post videos and pictures of yourselves receiving your Boffer or just have a general chat with other members. 

Follow us on Twitter here

We accept the following methods of payment;

* PayPal

* Visa

* Mastercard

* Visa Delta



Boffer Time: 04:00:14 AM